We Begin…in 25 days!!
I am beyond excited and prepared BUT…overwhelmed is another feeling.
Packing is almost complete, a few more clothing items, fresh fruits, and vegetables to be gathered and prepared. I am wondering how all of the supplies will fit in the car?? ​


Victoria and I are beginning to divide the responsibilities of this enormous undertaking to travel from Massachusetts aka HOME to California and bACK!
Driving will be 50/50. I am the morning shift and Victoria will be the afternoon/evening shift.
I am responsible for laundry and cooking…clearly my role of Mom will not stop on this trip.
Victoria is responsible for setting up the tent and planning our hiking routes.
I view our camping adventure…yep back to the camping…beginning with me opening up a chair and a bottle of wine and settling in while Victoria sets up the tent, the mats, and sleeping bags, lanterns and lights the Duraflame:) Then I will make PB and J over an open plate! We all know humor is an integral part of this experience.
There will be A LOT of laughter and hopefully only a few tears!
