The island of Nantucket in Massachusetts has given my family so much! The LOOK Book began here almost 10 years ago and in this unprecedented time a place of refuge and safety for my family. I came here in March with 2 of my children the week the lockdown happened in Massachusetts. We were planning on staying for a week and ended up staying for 4 months and counting. However, it gave me a chance to see the island as it blossomed into spring and now summer. I was able to slow down to enjoy the landscape and natural beauty the island has to offer.
On my daily walks, I slowed down and really LOOKed at the sides of the road and discovered the wildflowers are amazing and varied.
The beach and birds added to the peaceful feeling needed and reminded me of how calming nature can be in a time of upheaval.
Reminding me what we need is right in front of us if we just LOOK.
Stay safe and healthy and hold your loved ones close!
Interested in visiting? Take a LOOK!
When you decide to come for a visit remember to purchase The LOOK Book, Nantucket to have fun on the island and engage the entire family!
OR? Stop by Mitchell’s Book Corner and pick up a copy when you arrive on the island.
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